Download jmeter script here.
First you have to register any application on IS as follows (no need to host the application)
Take the client_ID and Client_Secret then encode to Base64 format. You can easily do it by using the following url -
ex:/ Client_ID:Client_Secret
Thread Group - oauth_get_access_token_thread_group
Here we are request the access token buy using the generated base64 encoded value
We are sending 10 oauth request to take the "access token" so first you have to register the 10 applications in IS as follows
Generate the base64 encoded value for each application and place those in jmeter script under "authorization"
What the jmere is doing -
1. Sending the request with base64 encoded value and take the "access token"
2. Save those access token in variable
3. Send validation request with those saved access tokens
In the Jmeter script you have to configure following stuff as well under "wso2_oauth_load_test" Test plan
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